Author: Mama

My Son’s Sorrow was Mother’s Day Gift

My Son’s Sorrow was Mother’s Day Gift


Well I might be the last to wish all of you a Happy Mother’s Day, so here’s to all you ladies everywhere who sing lullabies, wipe tears, wipe bottoms, deal with teenage heartbreak, pay for college or marry off children this year. May you all be strengthened, empowered, joyful and blessed in the coming days. . . and, of course, I hope your family treated you right today.

As for me, my little one woke up from a nap yesterday afternoon with a temperature and sick to his stomach. The poor guy felt terrible and I felt equally saddened at his predicament. But I have to tell you amid his sorrow and sickness, he gave me a wonderful laugh and a good mama cry.

My husband was joking to me that our son’s sickness was a great gift for Mother’s Day, which our son must have overheard, because he promptly walked into the room and told his Dad that they were supposed to get a card. Apparently there had been a whole conversation between the two of them earlier in the day.

But this is where my heart and my eyes got a little mushy. . . Our son (remind you, he is only four) sadly proceeded to tell my husband in a completely grownup way, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you with that.” He then turned around and walked out of the room with his head hung low and tears streaming down his cheeks.

I tell you, I smiled and cried a little all at the same time. What better gift can a little one give his mama?


Secret Subject Swap — Memorial Day Memories

Secret Subject Swap — Memorial Day Memories

Welcome to a Secret Subject Swap. This week, 16 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts.

My Secret Subject is:
What is your best and/or worst Memorial Day memory?

It was submitted by:

weddingpicOh shucks, this is such an easy one for me. You see, my husband and I of almost 12 years now tied the knot on Memorial Day weekend 2003. That, and the only other Memorial Day that sticks in my head was a crazy girls trip to Padre Island after high school graduation. . . but my husband may not appreciate it if I didn’t put him tops on my list. Just kidding, babe; you know you’re number one.

Although we married a bit later in life than most, we only managed a long weekend for our wedding and honeymoon both, because my husband-to-be had just taken a new job and hadn’t earned a lick of vacation. Of course that didn’t stop fools in love, and after a February proposal we promptly set a date for Memorial Day weekend. Let me tell ya, my mom and I can execute a wedding like nobody’s business and three months was a (semi-) breeze.

We married in a little white church in Farmington, Arkansas, and had the reception outside under a tent. The morning was filled with thunderstorms and lots of rain, but somehow the sun came out early enough to dry the ground but not enough to raise the temps. As it turned out, it was a perfect day for a wedding, especially when you’re the one getting married.

After the ceremony we drove through crazy dense fog to Roaring River in Missouri for a weekend getaway together. The trout fishing wasn’t fabulous, but we didn’t really much care. Hmm, maybe my new husband cared at the time, but he didn’t let on. I won’t tell you about the big fish that got away (as my love-struck hubs went running for the net he forgot in the car), because that seems to be a reoccurring theme in my trout fishing adventures. But trust me, it was huge.

As we quickly come upon another Memorial Day this month, my husband and I will also be celebrating another year of marriage, which always make the weekend special. Sometimes it doesn’t quite fall on our anniversary, but it’s usually somewhere close. The very best thing about it being a holiday weekend (other than honoring the men and women whom have served our country) is that we often get to take a short trip to celebrate. (That and it helps me remember that I better buy a gift and card for the special man in my life. Sometimes, I can be such a guy.)


If you want to read more of the fun, here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts.  Sit back, grab a cup, and check them all out. See you there:

Where Did My Metabolism Go?

Where Did My Metabolism Go?

What do spending four days in Oklahoma and losing weight have in common? Absolutely nothing! Well, it’s not like a counted my calories during the trip or stayed away from family night at Braum’s ice cream shop, but I did at least try to eat healthy during most of the visit.  Which, as it turns out, only netted me a couple of pounds instead of four or five.

So how can a few days of what I would call “normal” eating pack on the pounds when it takes so long to shave them off? Back at home yesterday, I jumped on the Calorie Count site and tracked my food the entire day and managed to stay within my 1,200 calorie limit, added some good ol’ gardening and a couple hours of shopping and still only managed to lose .2 pounds. At that rate, it will take me ten days to say so long to the two pounds that followed me home, and that’s if I don’t have a misstep.

So just where did my metabolism go? If you happen to see it lurking around anywhere, could somebody please return it? I knew I should have microchipped that darn thing. . .

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