Author: Mama

Cozy Lodge Christmas Cards

Cozy Lodge Christmas Cards


Click on images to enlarge.


It has been a cold, windy couple of days here in the Midwest so I decided to stay inside and play with some fun and festive Christmas paper. These little cards were created using the Mojo Monday sketch challenge from this week, but they also go right along with the current Cards in Envy theme challenge, “Put Some Extra Layers On.” I think I counted at least seven layers on one of the cards, and that’s not including the twine and staple. I used Recollections Cozy Lodge 12×12 paper pad for both cards, plus a scrap piece of wood paper I had hanging out around the house. Of course, I inked my edges and added some brads, twine Stickles and such for the finishing touches. I’m kind of in an Adirondack kind of mood these days, so this paper was the perfect choice for these cozy Christmas cards.

First Class Winner

Chandelier Find Makes Me Giddy

Chandelier Find Makes Me Giddy


I’m so super excited about my newest find for my master bedroom! This adorable chandelier was the perfect light for my room that’s decorated a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll. Okay, so the rock and roll part may be a stretch, but I do like the mix of old and new that I have going on in there right now.

So when I spied this light for $120 at Junk Appeal, a local antique shop (no the light is not actually antique), I worked a deal and took it home. Never mind that we recently bought and installed a new light in this very spot a few mere months ago — that lovely previous purchase will go to the entry hall where it will look splendid.

I knew when my husband didn’t put up a fuss and immediately helped me hang it, that I had found a good thing. . . either that, or he was finally just given up (love you, honey). Either way, the light is hanging (with only one crystal casualty) and making me smile. Okay, I realize this means I need to put the finishing touches on this room, show it off a bit and move on to the next project on the list — the master bath, or maybe it’s the hall bath, or the kitchen, or the basement, or. . .

Saturday Sparks — Advent Calendars

Saturday Sparks — Advent Calendars

Okay, so I know I gave you a glimpse into my fall home décor just yesterday and although I’m not advocating the legitimate switch to Christmas I do know that if you (or I) have any hope of getting crafty for the coming season without the procrastination and stress, we probably should have started last year.  . . but where’s the fun in that? Okay no, not all homemade crafty hope is lost, so let’s talk Advent calendar ideas. I’m making this my top priority, because it’s an item that needs to be ready to roll on December 1 so my son can start counting down the days to Santa’s arrival.  You can see that I have compiled a great group of advent ideas, some super simple and some that require a little more time (did I mention time is probably not a luxury right now). Any who, I hope this compilation of calendars sparks a bit of Christmas creativity in each of you.


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