I hope you are enjoying the first few days of 2023 and relaxing at least a bit after all the fanfare of the holidays. While I’m enjoying the calm after the storm, I’m also hoping you made it through the last month with a little more grace than I managed. I rolled into Christmas with my hair on fire, fueled by the gale force winds and bitter cold temps as I was forced to purchase gifts as a product of my own procrastination.
Category: Life as I Know It
My everyday life as a woman, wife and mother.

Shakin’ Off the Crazy in a New Year
A new year. I like the sound of that and all the promise a fresh start can bring! There seems to be any number of resolutions, goals, promises and clean slates that can help guide us on the path to better health, happiness and self-achievement. . . until about early February when the first fun holiday rolls around with its hearts and chocolates.

Green Beans, Goulash & My Garden
My son and I are making a quick weekend visit to my hometown for my great niece’s high school graduation (which is finally happening), and after several hours on the road it’s always nice to sit down to a delicious home cooked meal. Mom whipped up a huge batch of very cheesy goulash for the three of us, but I supplied the tasty side — fresh green beans.