Category: Life as I Know It

My everyday life as a woman, wife and mother.

Exactly Where Did the Apple Core Go?

Exactly Where Did the Apple Core Go?

apple core

After a late lunch Saturday afternoon, we decided to have PB&J’s for family dinner. My husband generously volunteered to assemble the meal and even added some yummy apple slices to our plates.

We have one of those little gadgets that wedges an apple while taking out the core — I’m sure you all can visualize, and perhaps own, one of these handy little tools. The problem with said gadget is that most apples aren’t perfectly round and there is usually a bit of tough apple core left in the middle of most of the cut wedges. Of course it’s not a huge ordeal to cut this part out with a knife, and I routinely do this chore for our son.

Little did I know that my husband had on this evening invented a new way to take out the tough bits left behind by the apple corer. . . take a closer look at my apple photo (of course I had to take a picture to document the event). Yes, my dinner-preparing husband decided that it was much quicker and more productive to actually bite out those tough centers on each and every apple wedge before he placed them on our plates.

Hmmm. . . after a good laugh, I ate the apples. But rest assured, I will not for any reason put my husband on fruit duty when guests are coming to dinner.

Hey, Where’s All My Free Time?

Hey, Where’s All My Free Time?

free time

Whew! Where did all my new found free time go? My child has been in kindergarten for almost a month and I have absolutely not accomplished a single thing on my “Hey Look at How Productive I Am Now” list.

I have not cleaned the storage room, I have not pared down my son’s toy collection, I have not worked out three times a week, I have not started my new kitchen back splash, I have not made yummy home cooked meals every night of the week (okay, so that was going to be a stretch anyway but you get my point) and I have certainly not blogged my little heart out as planned.

So as I went about wondering why I’m accomplishing less, it seems, around the house now that my only child is in school, I realized my new sought after role of “Wonder What I Can Accomplish Woman” has actually morphed into “My Son Will Succeed Super School Mom.”

No I haven’t shortened my to-do list, but I have, on the other hand, dropped off my son at school each morning, I have met him at the bus stop each afternoon, I have signed up for PTA and the school carnival tattoo booth (yes, I will be the one covering the local little ones in fabulous faux ink), I have already been through one round of school fundraising, I have figured out what “special” is on what day of the week so that I can dress my son accordingly (unless the schedule changes because it’s an early-release day, holiday or homecoming week or an assembly is planned), and I have happily navigated Jolly Phonics with my wee one on a nightly basis.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying our new routine but there has been a bit of a learning curve. We’re still experimenting with departure times and school entry points that make the most sense. I make sure to read every e-mail, text and other alerts from the school, and I spend several minutes each afternoon rifling through my kindergartener’s backpack to see what needs to signed, purchased, reviewed or returned. Let me tell ya, there’s a lot going on at that school.

Our evening routine has also seen changes and between dinner, bathing and getting jolly with the phonics we find little time to do much else before bed. But when that precious boy’s head hits the pillow and his little prayers are said, his exhausted brain and body go from zero to sawing logs in nothing flat.

Although it’s not quite what I imagined, I’m enjoying this new season of life and with a little practice and polishing I might even be able to settle into my new schedule and squeeze in some structure. Huh, could it be that structure leads to free time? If I find it, I’ll let you know.

photo credit: Kit Cat Clock via photopin (license)

Blue Ribbon Pickles

Blue Ribbon Pickles

blue ribbon

blue ribbon picklesThis summer has been super busy, but somehow I did find a few minutes to enter some items in our local Platte County Fair (the longest continuously running county fair west of the Mississippi River, mind you) and this year I came home with two blue ribbons. I was so excited!

I entered a jar of dill pickle spears, yup that’s them with their blue ribbon right there, but I was hoping to enter a jar of our yummy hamburger dills also. Unfortunately, when I went to grab a jar I discovered my husband had eaten every last one. Yes, my husband ate my fair entry, but he did apologize and added, “If it’s any consolation, you should have won a blue ribbon. They were delicious.” Okay, so I don’t have a shiny new ribbon to show for it, but I’ll take that vote of approval.

If you want to give your own husband-pleasing pickles a go, you should try the hamburger dill canning recipe here at Small Talk Mama.

I also entered three photos in the fair, one of which brought home a blue. This photo of a female cardinal braving a winter storm is one of my favorites from our back porch. I’m so glad the judges liked it too.


There are so many reasons I love to participate in the county fair, but one of my fondest is that I think my Nannie would be so proud. My grandmother, we called her Nannie, entered her own county fair each year and earned oodles of ribbons throughout her life. Before she passed I consistently ogled her latest blue ribbon projects each fall; so when my husband and I moved to a county that hosted its own fair, I decided to carry on the tradition. My first thought in the exhibit hall this year was that I hoped I made my Nannie proud.

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