Category: Life as I Know It

My everyday life as a woman, wife and mother.

A Substitute Life

A Substitute Life


Early Tuesday morning last week I stood staring at the calendar posted on the front of the fridge and was almost giddy about the complete blankness of my day. My husband asked me what I was doing and I explained, “I have absolutely nothing I have to do today.” Now that’s saying something for the month of December! As soon as that one glorious sentence left my mouth, my phone began to ring. . .

It seemed that the school district was really hurting for substitute teachers and although I wasn’t suppose to start until after the new year, they wanted to know if I could work. Well now, how could I turn them down without feeling completely guilty (since I obviously had nothing else planned for my day). I said yes, and thus my new stint as substitute teacher began. I know, what was I thinking?!?

As it turned out, it wasn’t the smoothest day of substituting I had ever encountered, but since it was first grade (the same school and grade, not class, as my son) I got through the day without incident or catastrophe. Of course one girl did tell my son I was fat, to which I wanted to respond with, “Oh yeah, well her mom is too skinny,” but that wouldn’t have been at all nice. Plus, I try not to mold my self-image after the opinion of a snot-nosed first grader (I don’t really know if she needed to blow her nose or not).

I then encountered a sweet little girl who said she knew my son and asked if I was his mom. After I answered in the affirmative, she proceeded to tell me I actually looked like a grandma. What? “She’s a first-grader, a first-grader, just a first-grader. . .” This might be my new mantra.

I signed up for a second-grade, afternoon-only gig on day two but I was “guilted” into subbing for a paraprofessional in the morning with a personal call from the secretary. I told her I was on the way to drop off my son and wearing jeans and a sweater but if she really needed me I could do it. She said, “You can wear pajamas for all I care, I just really need someone to sub.” So sub, I did. Let me tell you, those paras are some hardworking folks.

By the time I got to my second grade room after lunch, it felt like a vacation. Plus, I’m here to tell you that second grade is the bomb! Do people still use that word? This particular group of students was attentive, polite and drew all sorts of pictures of me dressed as a cheerleader, sporting beautiful hair or wearing a “Best Teacher” t-shirt. Now that was more like it!

On day three, I stuck to my guns (although the principal himself called) and declined to work. Somehow I started out the week ahead and now I was quickly falling behind on all the Christmasing and basic living I was supposed to get done.

Day four was a full-day assignment for another second grade classroom. Yay! Boo! When I walked in that morning, the teacher next door was blanketing my entire room with a fine mist of Lysol spray. Apparently the teacher I was subbing for left the previous afternoon vomiting and then four of her students also went home, two of which showed up bright and early this day. Huh? After I located the Clorox wipes, sanitizer and the hand-washing station, I managed to get through the day with some extra-dry hands but amazingly germ free. Did I mention second grade is the bomb!

If my family and I make it to Christmas without a fever, upset stomach or diarrhea (I sound like a Pepto commercial), it will truly be a miracle!

Campfire and S’mores — Family Favorites

Campfire and S’mores — Family Favorites


Making s’mores in the backyard is one of our favorite family activities each fall, because there’s just something about a bonfire and melted marshmallows that makes autumn feel all official.

We finally picked a new campfire spot out on our three acres, not too far from the house but not to close either. I wanted it to be somewhat secluded but still convenient for hauling out all the fixin’s. I also have this very healthy respect for fire (thanks to Smokey the Bear), and I need to make sure (my husband makes sure) every ember is doused before I can sleep at night.


Sometimes it’s not super convenient to start a fire and collect all the ingredients for s’mores and there is always something else less fun that needs to be done, but every time we push to make a campfire happen we are totally rewarded with a bit of relaxing family time around a roaring fire and bellies full of sweet goodness. It really must be one of my favorite things on this earth.


Of course, one doesn’t need three acres to create a great family outing. We used to build a fire and roast marshmallows in the backyard of our half-acre lot. Some parks also have fire pit areas for day use that make for a great adventure. Heck, you can even whip up some s’mores over the charcoal grill on your back deck. If you live in town, it’s also wise to check city ordinances before lighting up.

Okay, so now that I’ve just encouraged you to go play with fire, here’s my safety disclaimer. Please use all proper safety precautions before, during and after lighting a fire, Adult supervision (some husband’s probably don’t qualify 🙂 ) is required.

Happy (quickly fading) fall, y’all!


The Calm That Comes Between October and December

The Calm That Comes Between October and December

the calm that comes between October and December

What a crazy fall it has been! Hmm, that sounds familiar, because I believe I echo that same sentiment every year about this time. We ramp up around here in October for our son’s birthday and then barrel on through Halloween and into Thanksgiving before decking the halls for Christmas. If we add the end of daylight savings into the mix with all the seriously gray days here in the Midwest, it makes a mama feel like she is wading through really thick mud! Thankfully we woke up to the glorious, long absent sun shining on us today, which helps me tolerate the wind that blew in with it.

So with all the endless putting up and taking down of decorations that accompany our autumns at the Three Acre Wood, I have decided to claim my new favorite holiday as Thanksgiving. Now don’t get me wrong, I do love to decorate for Halloween, dress up our child and hit the houses for tricks or treats and I also love the hustle and bustle of Christmas with all its holly, lights and gift giving; but I have begun to seriously appreciate the calm that comes between October and December.

Thanksgiving is just one of those holidays that is a good return on investment. You get to visit family, eat loads of delicious food and maybe even take in a movie, do a bit of shopping or play a friendly football game in the cow pasture (okay, so not everyone has a cow pasture for playing, but any old yard or park will do). There are no presents to purchase and no packages to wrap; just bring a dish or two (yes, I’ll be making Nannie’s pecan pie), wear something with elastic, show up with a smile and plan to stay awhile. There’s no need to make multiple trips to the attic ahead of time, because decorations are minimal with a few hand turkeys here and some multi-colored leaves there. You might even get to eat on the fancy dishes and actually use that gravy boat that has been gathering dust since this time last year.


You just can’t beat a turkey coloring tablecloth and a huge jar of olives!


There’s always something for the kids (and grownups) to enjoy, like this turkey craft kit.


One never knows when the aunts might show up sporting all their craziness!

Thanksgiving, by design, is meant to give us a day to pause and reflect on all our blessings, to give thanks for our family and friends and for all that gives our lives some meaning. It is a time for remembrance and appreciation and a time for laughter and warmth. For me, Thanksgiving is the calm that comes between October and December and the restoration that comes before the scurry and hurry of the grand daddy of all holidays. It is a day to refocus on what really matters and a day to appreciate everyone in our lives.

So to all my family and friends, I thank the Lord for your presence in my life. I am truly blessed!


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