Category: This & That

A little bit of this and a tad bit of that

$50 Oriental Trading Gift Card Giveaway!

$50 Oriental Trading Gift Card Giveaway!

Summer has officially begun in our neck of the woods, which of course means Vacation Bible School is right around the corner. As many of you know, I have been coordinating VBS at our church for several years and that means stretching a budget to educate, decorate and plan for a whole week of fun.

One of my favorite budget-friendly places to purchase supplies is definitely Oriental Trading. I order decorations online each year, because they always have fun items for some of the most current VBS themes. Of course they also carry loads of other decor, prizes and fun stuff too. If you are looking for some good ideas at great prices, I suggest you pop on over to the Oriental Trading VBS page and take a look.


All this talk about VBS finally brings me to my super exciting announcement. . . I’m partnering with Oriental Trading to host an awesome giveaway! Yup, a $50 Oriental Trading gift card is up for grabs. Just think of all the fun you could have with that little gem in your pocket. Only nine other blogs and Small Talk Mama are offering our readers a chance to win this $50 gift card from Oriental Trading, so your odds of snagging the prize just got better from the starting gate! Oriental Trading is handling all the details, so just follow the link below to enter for a chance to win. Good luck!

$50 Oriental Trading Gift Card Giveaway

Still Working Toward 40 Bags Before Easter

Still Working Toward 40 Bags Before Easter

I knew there was more junk stuffed in that craft room (and the overflow storage room next to it)!! I’m still cleaning and purging at home and adding to my rising total in the 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge.  By my latest count I believe I’m up to fourteen total boxes, bags and large items that have exited the house this Lenten season. Not even halfway to my goal, but every little bit, or lot, counts.

40 bags

My husband just commented that I might not have enough stuff to get to 40. . . but then we both had a good laugh!

Maybe I will actually give you a tour of my newly cleaned crafting space soon, but that means I need to stop creating long enough to keep the space tidy. Hmmm. . .

Putting the “Spring” in Small Talk with Design Changes

Putting the “Spring” in Small Talk with Design Changes

I just keep waiting for Spring to do its thing, but each time I think this quirky little season has arrived Winter fights back with some pretty harsh ammo. Such is life in the Midwest, I guess. I am so itching to get outdoors with my family and get my hands dirty in the yard, but at least I’m using the cooler days to get a few things done indoors.

As you may have noticed, I’ve been doing a bit of redesigning here at Small Talk Mama and I apologize if you tried to visit while things were a bit wonky. I still have a few more tweaks here and there, but I think it should be running smoothly (for the most part).

I changed the logo a bit to include the “Three-Acre Wood” and add a bit of whimsy. After all, the blog is called “Small Talk Mama;” just how serious do you think we’re going to get? I also plan to change the header with the seasons, so you just never know what you’ll see when you click on over here. Other than the few obvious design upgrades not much else is changing, so I hope you will continue to visit Small Talk Mama and let me know what you think. Audience participation is always welcomed here and (nice) comments really do make my day!

 photo credit: frederic.gombert Really Spring via photopin (license)

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