It’s that time of year again, where we scurry around gathering supplies for our school bound children, map out where they are headed on day one and how best to get them there, snap a few photos for posterity’s sake and maybe even shed a tear or two as we send them off for yet another nine months of being looked after by another human being. Not to depress any of you mamas out there, but there is a very good chance that your child’s teacher will spend more waking hours each week with your little person than you will. If there was any reason to salute, say thanks to or bribe teachers each year it might be for their simple time investment (and depending on the child, some of us may need to bribe on a more regular basis than others).

Perks of Preseason Football
Yes, we are officially trying to cram as much fun into the last few days of summer vacation as humanly possible, so when my son and I were offered tickets to last night’s Chiefs preseason football game while we were still making our way home from a four-day trip to Branson we naturally said yes without hesitation.

Laying Eggs at The Three-Acre Wood
Last week was an exciting one in the chicken coop at the Three-Acre Wood. Our spring chickens (it had to be said) started laying some tiny little eggs, and our Ameraucana hens even got in on the action with their lovely eggs of pale blue.