The Leaves Aren’t the Only Thing Changing Around Here
Whew! What a whirlwind autumn it has been here at the Three-Acre Wood, as usual; but with the addition of another iron to my fire I’m further behind than usual. This seems to be a common (self-inflicted) problem for my falls. Does anyone else pile way too much on their plates this time of year???
Okay, so yes, the havoc in my home has been mostly on me this last month, but it’s all been for a good cause. . . I hope. After eight years as a stay-at-home mom I’m now in the midst of making a career change (as if my former lives as first a high school teacher and then a graphic designer weren’t enough). You see, I’m a little more than spoiled when it comes to spending time with my son. Yes, I’ve been a SAHM for eight straight years, but my only child is now in second grade. While it might be difficult to justify just who I’ve been mothering for the last few years, I’m still not ready to give up the precious days of winter, spring and summer breaks with my little man.

Chapter 7: My Waistline Affects My Wallet
I cleared another hurdle in my Weight Watchers journey this week and it’s a biggie, because this is where my waistline affects my wallet. After six weeks of staying on goal, I finally achieved “Lifetime” status, which means I no longer have to pay for all the benefits of the Weight Watchers program. Yes, you read that right! I can attend weekly meetings and access the awesome phone app for the rest of my life at zero cost to me!