The “Mother” of All Scrapbook Challenges

The “Mother” of All Scrapbook Challenges


It’s no secret that I love creating cards and I often take part in various creative challenges to boost my stash of salutations, but last week I stumbled upon a couple of sites that offer monthly scrapbook challenges that look like a whole lot of fun. And let’s face it, I really need to crop more if I ever hope to make a dent in all my memories stored out there on Shutterfly.

may 2017 challenges-1So this weekend I decided to take a stab at the Scrap Our Stash May Sketch Challenge, because not only is it a sketch challenge but also a creative brain teaser. They provide visual inspiration but I had to incorporate elements for each letter of the word “MOTHER” from my stash of scrapbooking supplies, which proved a bit more difficult than I had originally thought. Regardless, I did it! And I had a lot of fun raiding my supplies and figuring it all out for this one-page layout for 2011.

I used Signature’s Family collection for most of my paper choices, but the black/brown paper came from Prima’s Engraver collection. To fulfill the acrostic portion of this challenge I added the following items from my scrapbooking stash:

M:  I spritzed green Glimmer Mist on the background.

O:  I placed an ornamental brad that says “Oh Boy” at the top right.

T:  I used two photos, twine and a tab (I got this one covered).

H:  There is a small metal heart at the bottom left of the layout. It started out shiny white, but I sanded it a bit to take off the shine and reveal the silver around the edges.

E: This one was tough for me, but luckily my son’s name starts with an “E” and he is in both pictures. Is that cheating?

R:  The word “precious” is a white rub-on that I didn’t even know I owned. See, this scrap your stash thing is already working out for me.

If you’re looking for a little creative cropping motivation, I suggest you join me at Scrap Our Stash and give one of their challenges a go. They also have a Tic Tac Toe challenge that looks like a lot of fun.

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers


We have had a rainy spring here in the Midwest, but luckily our area has avoided the flood waters thus far. I know other folks south and east of us haven’t been so lucky, and for that my prayers go out for a speedy and thorough recovery.

The rain we have been getting in the KC area has really been enjoyed by all things growing in my yard (including the weeds), so I wanted to share just a few photos of how my May flowers are blooming after all the April showers. If you follow Small Talk Mama on Instagram you’ve probably seen each of these photos already, but here they are gathered up in one small space. I hope you enjoy!




The top photo is of one of my window boxes this week (just over a month after planting). It has filled out quite nicely with the tuberous begonias and white bacopa. I added some spikes in the center for some height and I’m really enjoying this combination so far. The multi-colored clematis are blooming around my mailbox, as is the lamb’s ear. I have one beautiful pale pink peony that is just about to burst all over, and a new metal bucket is full of color for my porch. I have to confess that the last photo of yellow roses didn’t actually grow in my garden, but they were a gift from my son for Mother’s Day so I just had to include them in the mix.


Posted at Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop

We Became “The Three-Acre Wood”

We Became “The Three-Acre Wood”

three-acre wood

Through the years you have probably heard me refer to our little, very little, slice of property as The Quarter-Acre Wood. (I like to give our “estates” cute little names because it makes them sound more personal and appealing.) The Quarter-Acre Wood is located in a basic suburban neighborhood with a semi-active home owners’ association and several quarter-acre lots. We are at the end of a cul-da-sac which keeps us pretty quiet, but the real draw is the 200+ acres of timber to which our little lot backs. . . hence, the name “Quarter-Acre Wood.”

We have enjoyed the perks of our location for almost five years now and love to watch the wildlife that visits quite frequently, but with the sprawl of housing and business development that seems to be stepping up in our area we have been worried that our country life in the city will soon disappear. In fact, I have seen plans for a housing development right behind us, were it not for a little slice of oddly shaped heaven owned by a defunct corporation since the 70s. Since the day we moved into our home, my husband and I have talked about how we should try to buy this little strip of land as a buffer between us and what might come one day, but I never seriously took up the torch until last summer. On a whim, I wrote a letter to the Atlanta, Georgia, address listed on the county tax site and sent it off without much hope. I didn’t know if the offer of interest would even make it into the hands of the owner; and if it did, I sure didn’t think the owner would sell this piece of property within the city limits for a price that we wanted to pay.

After months of nothingness in reply to my letter, I received a phone call from the owner saying he would be in town in December and if we were still interested he would love to talk. So talk we did and after some negotiations and paperwork, we became the proud owners of some pretty useless, land-locked acreage that serves no real purpose other than to make us happy. In short, that’s how we became “The Three-Acre Wood,” but maybe I should call it The Happy-Acre Wood (at least for me). With plans for chickens, bonfires and hay rides, I am so delighted I made a play for this property, but I’m afraid my husband is quickly viewing it as another source of work for him. Now, would I do that to the man I love???

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This is pretty much what our new acreage looked like when we bought it. We have since cleared it out, burned lots of brush and things are very green.

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There is a large clearing that I would love to turn into an orchard one day, but the soil is pretty rocky and wet most of the time.

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three-acre wood

The boys and I (mostly my husband) spent many days cutting and clearing out the fallen and dead timber and making piles to burn. I had my first run-in with poison oak and was miserable for days! I’m a lot more careful when swinging from vines these days.

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Here are most of the piles we made just waiting to be burned. That metal arbor is right about the dividing line between our former backyard and the new property.

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Armed with a fire extinguisher, a water hose and a shovel, my boys burned about eight piles of brush to make the land manageable. . . and to prepare for chickens!

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Even the more menacing parts of the property are fun to photograph.


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