Spreading a Little Warm Weather Cheer

Spreading a Little Warm Weather Cheer

warm weather

Our beautiful warm weather inspired me today, along with the simple little Freshly Made Sketch, of course, so I just knew I had to incorporate a fun little flower somewhere on my card. While the colors are a bit fallish, I think the bright flower gives this card enough whimsy to wish someone special a happy spring or summer day.

freshly made sketchI used The Green Stack from DCWV to create this card; and to tell you the truth, I was very glad to be able to use a few pages out of this paper pad because I’ve owned it for a very long time and really haven’t used it much (for whatever reason).

I opted not to put a sentiment on the front and just used the flower for that element from the sketch because I was afraid it would be too cluttered. The effect is simple, but I think it’s kind of cute. Along with an added banner element, a staple and some inking around the edges, this card is complete!

I Ate My Bacon in the Shower

I Ate My Bacon in the Shower

bacon in the shower

Wow! What a spring! It has been an entire month since I have taken a breath long enough to write down a few thoughts and, counting up all my irons in the fire, I’m surprised I haven’t just thrown in the towel. In fact, just last week I actually ate my bacon in the shower (yes, as the water was flowing), which should have been a huge clue that I’m probably more than just a tad too busy. Of course I have no one to blame but myself for most of my family’s carryings-on, but it has been very exciting around here at the Quarter-Acre Wood so I wanted to share just a few happenings with all of you.

  • First of all, let me just go ahead and admit that this year’s attempt at the 40 Bags in 40 Days Challenge was an epic failure. I didn’t even make it halfway to my goal before my timeline simply timed out. On the bright side of things, I did manage to clean out several trouble spots in my home even if I ignored the huge looming storage room under the garage. I just simply close my eyes and stumble around every time I retrieve a flower vase or restock holiday decorations. I’ve only stumped my toes a few times. Okay, not so much, but that method would probably make me a lot happier since I wouldn’t have to look at my mess.
  • Although I struck out at cleaning my house, I did manage to complete a hefty item on my wish list and that was the Daughters of the American Revolution. After a bit of research and document gathering, I only had to wait a few months for everything to be verified. I became official on April 5 and will be sworn in this afternoon at our monthly meeting. I’m super excited to be a part of this very patriotic group of ladies and thankful to my ancestor, William Crowson, who fought for our country’s independence.
  • In addition to the D.A.R., I’ve also joined another important group of individuals — the pastor search committee at Park Hill Baptist Church. Our church lost its pastor at the end of the year and now we are searching for the man who will continue to lead our congregation for the coming years. I am very honored and excited to be serving on this committee, but it’s also a lot of pressure! Of course I realize we aren’t alone in this, and with continued prayer we will call the person God has appointed. . . still, it’s a lot of pressure!!
  • Also church related, I’m coordinating Vacation Bible School again this year, and things are already in full swing. I love VBS, but trying to bring everything together is kind of crazy!!!
  • One of the biggest (and most expensive) ventures we have going this spring comes with the title of “Land Baroness.” Okay, so that’s a self-imposed title, but I kind of like it. My husband and I finally enquired about the three acres that backs to our property and I’m happy to say we now officially own it. Yay! It’s an oddly shaped property that wraps around the end of our neighborhood, but it’s ours and it’s not part of the homeowners’ association. You know what that means. . . chickens!! We had to find a new home for our feathered friends when we moved here almost five years ago and although it was a very sad day, happy days are here again (if we can just figure out how to keep all our predators at bay)!

Okay, so now that I’ve caught you up on some of the major happenings at the now “Three and a Quarter-Acre Wood,” I guess I should get back to my Saturday morning. After all, I have a chicken coop to assemble and a DAR meeting to attend (these things make me smile, you know).

The Grand Kitchen Cabinet Cleanout

The Grand Kitchen Cabinet Cleanout


With my Spring cleaning deadline looming, I decided it was time to tackle my messy kitchen cabinets last week. I sorted, stashed and said good-bye to old food, rarely used gadgets and space sucking storage containers. . . and it felt gooood!

I have a pretty small kitchen, as kitchens go, with only three regular-sized lower cabinets to the whole place. Unfortunately, this means I have to cram fit a lot of mixing bowls, pie plates, baking dishes and Tupperware in a pretty tiny place. That is why I opted for some smooth-gliding pullout organizers from Rev-A-Shelf to help me store everything after the grand cabinet cleanout.

I organized my pots and pans with a Rev-A-Shelf about two years ago, and it was one of the best kitchen choices I ever made. This sharp-looking, heavy duty pullout shelf has lots of room and slides like “butta.” Now I will admit that this storage solution is not the cheapest thing going, so shortly thereafter I tried a bargain brand organizer and was completely disappointed. I guess you get what you pay for and the Rev-A-Shelf is worth it. This brand is also super easy to install, which is a bonus!

cabinet cleanout

So I finally decided it was time to make a go at my other two cabinets, and I opted for the two-tiered sliders this time because I certainly needed the room.  I purchased my Rev-A-Shelf organizers at Lowe’s, but I’m sure you can get them other places also. Be sure to correctly measure your opening (with clearance for hinges) so that you can pick out the right size. The directions said it should take about 20 minutes to install each unit, and that was probably my average between the two. The top slider can even be installed at three different heights — pretty handy, indeed.

cabinet cleanout

After some measuring and a few screws, the tough job began as I sorted and stashed every last item previously buried in that black hole beneath the countertop. I’m proud to say that everything now fits nicely, minus the mixing bowl I broke in the process, and I can easily see and reach what I need without the groaning and gnashing of teeth that previously accompanied my baking ventures.

cabinet cleanout


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