Ragamuffin Card – Mojo Sketch Challenge

Ragamuffin Card – Mojo Sketch Challenge

sketch challenge

sketch challengeI am so glad I have a clean craft room! My little guy has been sick and homebound the last couple of days, so we’ve spent several hours downstairs playing and crafting the days away. Yesterday afternoon while my son was playing the Wii, I found some time to flip the sketch and create a cute little card for this week’s Mojo Monday sketch challenge.

The printed papers, including the Raggedy Ann and Andy print, were all part of the Iron Orchard Ragamuffin 6×6 pad by Creative Imaginations. I created the “hello you” tag with an old stamp I had (I think from Stampin’ Up) and some cream cardstock. I roughed up the edges of the tag and added a tad bit of pink watercolor pencil for some interest and age. I found the two-toned pink and brown ribbon in my stash and I inked all the edges for some texture and warmth. I think I can send this one to an adult or child alike.

Rest In Peace From the Hollow

Note: This post was written in Blue Jay Hollow (pronounced “holler”) where many of you may remember there is no WiFi. I wrote the following thoughts early Saturday morning, but posted upon my return to life as usual.

I promptly find myself in The Hollow this weekend, unfortunately not for pleasure. One of my dear uncles unexpectedly passed away this week and we are all gathering for his funeral today; but while I realize this trip is not for fun, whenever I’m with my extended family I can’t help but enjoy the hours.

Just yesterday one of my aunts and cousins whiled away the night with talk of past events and dreams to come. We laughed at ourselves (and one another) as we recounted silly events and shared memories like the trip to San Diego where my Nannie’s snoring was so loud and so long that I finally picked up my pillow and retreated to the hotel room bathtub for the remainder of the night only to be surprised by my aunt standing in the doorway moments later with a discouraged look on her face saying, “I can’t believe you beat me to it.” Man, my grandmother snored like a sailor.

With the morning’s funeral weighing heavily on our hearts, invariably the conversation turned to my own father’s passing and how such a wonderful man was taken from this earth far too soon. Stirring up specific memories of my Dad are both sad and joyful at the same time. He passed away at age 59 when I was just 32. While I know people lose their parents at much younger ages, I felt like I was barely an adult when he was so abruptly taken from our lives.

My Dad’s death hurt. It hurt more than anything I had ever felt in my short lifetime, but out of it came so many blessings and so many lessons. I can’t possibly go into all of that here — I haven’t the room, but ask me sometime in person and I’ll gladly share. What I can say is that hopefully my personal heartbreak has prepared me to comfort my young cousin who has now lost her own father before the age of 30.

As I worked through my own pain years ago I realized that yes, I lost my dear, wonderful father at an early age, but I feel so lucky to have had such a fabulous Dad for even a short time because some (or even most) people never get to experience life with such a loving parent like mine. Granted I didn’t come up with this discovery on day one, or even week one of my Dad’s passing, but the peace of this realization did come. . . and that’s what is important.

I was definitely a “Daddy’s Girl” and I still miss him after 15 years, but when I return to The Hollow and reminiscence with family it makes all those shared memories more endearing than sad. I can truly rejoice in his life and that I got to share it, and appreciate the legacy he left in our hearts. I hope and pray that my dear sweet cousin will eventually be able to do the same.

In memory of two of the good ones:

E.C. Bailey 1944-2017

Everett Sexton, Jr. 1942-2002


Stretching the Sketch With New Home Card

Stretching the Sketch With New Home Card

New Home Card

mpjp481I decided to stretch the Mojo Monday sketch this week and took a bit of creative license with this New Home card.

I started with my own watercolor creation on the card base and added other elements from here and there. Painting on paper usually causes a somewhat wavy effect, so I lined the inside of the card to give some stability to the overall piece.

I also added several elements like the button, twine ribbon and mounting tape for extra texture and interest. With a bit of ink around the edges, this creation was complete. . . now someone I know needs to move into a new home.

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