Read the Bible or Bust:  My Goal for the New Year

Read the Bible or Bust: My Goal for the New Year


As the new year begins in earnest and we slowly come out of our evergreen scented, tinsel induced, confetti colored comas, most of us face the days ahead with a renewed hope and rosy glasses. These are the days that lead us to dream big, reinvent our ways and desire to take the world by storm (to some a rain shower, to others a tornado. . . but a storm nonetheless). We set goals, refine wishes and claim more resolutions than an invisible jet and really cool cuffs could ever hope to deliver in a mere 365 days (make that 361 if you’re counting), but at least we aspire.

Since I’m part of this crazy collective of which I speak, I decided to set a few goals of my own. One being the huge task of reading through the entire Bible. I completed this undertaking once before several years ago, but I’m always so amazed at how often I can find something new, interesting and almost foreign in this enthralling book. . . and I’ve been reading this thing, well, since I could read.

So as the new year begins, so does my resolve to read the Bible. This time I’m going to attempt (and believe me, my success to failure ratio is not very impressive) to read it chronologically instead of the order in which it is printed. I currently use a New King James version of the Bible, so that’s what I’ll be reading and I’ve created a fun little chart to help me track my progress. I figure if I only make it halfway (or only into February), it’s still a worthwhile task that will enrich my life and lift my soul.  If you would like to join me on this venture, please feel free to download and print the chart below. I would love to hear about your progress and insight along the way. Happy New Year and Happy New You!

Read The Bible in a Year – A Chronological Approach (pdf)

photo credit: Charlie.Wales A King’s Circle via photopin (license)

My Five Favorite Cards From 2016

My Five Favorite Cards From 2016

As is tradition at the turn of the year, I took a look through all my creative card posts from the past year and I sadly discovered one big thing. . . I wasn’t anywhere nearly crafty enough! Yowzers, I barely had enough cards to create a five favorite cards list so I’m guessing that will be added to my 2017 resolutions — “Be more crafty.” Okay, duly noted (and what a burden this goal will be), but in the meantime I hope you enjoy a quick review of 2016’s crafty little cards.


Hello Sunshine” Card Challenge Creation


Valentine card

Red Hearts and Ribbon Valentine Card



Frosty Winter Greetings


color throwdown

My First Color Throwdown Challenge — Yellow, Green & Aqua


color throwdown

A Boo-tiful Color Throwdown Card

A Look Back at 2016, Part 2

A Look Back at 2016, Part 2

Okay, so I won’t keep you in excruciating suspense any longer. We’re continuing our look back at 2016 and below you will find the six most visited Small Talk Mama posts for the year. Enjoy reading and may you have a very happy and prosperous new year!


#6 Saturday Sparks – Picnics

Labor Day reminds me of family-friendly picnics full of summer sun, tasty treats and lots of fun. As a nod to this last bastion of summer, I’ve gathered a few ideas and inspiration to help you transform you own family get-together into a weekend to remember.


#5 Thanks a Latte Kind of Day

I recently wanted to say a word of thanks to some ladies with whom I volunteer because they helped see me through a rather rough couple of months. Without their support, I might have just thrown in the towel and walked away from an awesome organization. So as a small token, I bought each of them a coffee gift certificate (just can’t go wrong with that one — if they don’t like coffee, they can order tea or just eat a muffin already). I simply jazzed up the holders with belly bands around the middle and cute little “Thanks a Latte” medallions.


#4 A Real Mom’s Kitchen — Cassandra Creates Eclectic Vibe on a Budget

Other than being a stay-at-home (most of the time) mom, Cassandra is an actor, wedding planner, graphic designer, belly dance instructor and adjunct professor. Makes you tired just reading it, doesn’t it? So where she and her husband had the time to remodel anything, I’ll never know; but this kitchen is testament to the sheer will of a do-it-yourselfer. “My whole kitchen is DIY,” Cassandra admits, and from top to almost bottom (because they haven’t yet tackled the floors) this kitchen has felt her creative touch.


#3 Easter Egg Wreath is Easy and Inexpensive

I know March is not quite finished and the temperature outside is a brisk 30 something degrees, but Easter will be upon us before we hardly blink. Sooo, as I try to get into the creative Spring of things I decided to whip up an Easter wreath this weekend. “Whip” may not be the most accurate word to use because it took about three hours to make this cute little thing, but it was easy and cheap enough to create.


#2 Laurel Wreaths Three Ways

Our Vacation Bible School theme this year is “Escape to Athens with Paul,” so all the children and adults have been donning togas and laurel wreaths for the week — nothing like getting into character. While a friend made the “fancy” wreaths for all the workers, it was just too expensive of a project for all the kids to create. So in the interest of sticking to a budget (it’s VBS after all), I came up with a couple of inexpensive wreath alternatives, one for the older children and another for the youngsters.  I think the kids enjoyed making their own wreaths, but with the everyday use I have noticed a few stray leaves here and there.


#1 Saturday Sparks – Christmas Window Boxes

As we change gears from all things fall into holly and ives, I wanted to share a few ideas for decorating window boxes in the spirit of the season. You know I love window boxes and my beautiful summer box flowers have become a frozen brown mess, so it’s definitely time to swap the contents for something a bit more festive. I’ll let you know what I come up with; but in the meantime, enjoy this bit of inspiration.

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