A Look Back at 2016, According to the Stats

A Look Back at 2016, According to the Stats

It’s always fun to revisit the past year and see how it all shaped up, because I’m always so surprised to see which posts were popular according to the stats that be. I can definitely say that most of the posts that are my favorite rarely rank high in terms of traffic, but those simple surprises make year-end tracking so interesting.

So as the year comes to an end, I’m taking a look back at 2016 and Small Talk Mama’s top posts according to you, the readers. Interestingly enough, several of the posts making the list were not even written this year. I hope you enjoy the recap and I hope to see you again in the new year!

Happy 2017!


#12 A Real Mom’s Kitchen — Katie D. Claims Her Calm

Today we are visiting Katie D’s kitchen. I’ve known Katie for a couple of years now, but I had never seen her gorgeous kitchen until the morning I walked in with my notepad and camera. Katie is one of those gals who seems to have so much going on in her world, but never appears dazed, nor confused (hmmm. . . I’m not liking Katie very well right now). No, seriously, she is actually just one of those relaxed moms who will pour you a cup of coffee, grab a bar stool and chat about anything from preschool to Play-Doh.

homemade seed cake

#11 Wildlife Flock to Homemade Seed Cakes

So yesterday morning I pulled out one of my homemade seed cakes I made and stored last year and hung it outside the house. After a couple of hours about town, we came home to oodles of squirrels and a variety of birds already partaking of this tasty treat. My little guy and I sat for quite some time just watching them scramble for the food (and I felt terrible that I hadn’t hung it out sooner).


#10 Test Drive Your Garage Door Design

If you don’t know where to start when it comes to your garage door design, take a look at this great site I found by Overhead Door where you can upload your house photo and basically test drive garage doors of all colors, shapes, windows and price points. You can even print your design with specifications, which makes comparison shopping so easy.


#9 Build a Weed Wackless Flower Bed Border

I don’t remember where I originally saw this idea, but I’m so glad I did. I just created a large flower bed along the front of the house using “stone” pavers, but I set them into the ground just a bit so that the wheels of the lawn mover roll right across the top, virtually eliminating the need to trim along the edge. (Yes, honey, you may thank me, again.)


 #8 Mad for Plaid at Home for Christmas

Plaid is absolutely the bomb right now. . . wait a minute, I don’t think “the bomb” is the bomb right now, but eh, I’m going with it anyway. If you are as mad for plaid as I am, I have an easy and affordable way to add this colorful tartan to your holiday décor.

rustic wreath

#7 Industrial Whimsy Equals Spring Rustic Wreath

When I saw this old rusty thing in the antique store, I just knew it would make a cute wreath, and with a little help from Mom (she’s the most awesome bow maker I know) and a few adders from Michaels (all on sale), we came up with this super cute Easter wreath that brings a bit of whimsy to this industrial find.

This list is getting rather lengthy, so I think I’ll stop here for tonight and post the top six tomorrow. I know the suspense is unbearable. *grin*

Merry Christmas & Holiday Home Tour

Merry Christmas & Holiday Home Tour

Good morning and Merry Christmas! As usual, I’m the first body up on Christmas morning, but I don’t mind much if the boys sleep in for a bit. The coffee just finished brewing, the tree is twinkling and Santa has polished off most of his cookies and milk left out last night by one very eager six-year-old boy.

I plan to use these few moments of quiet for a bit of . . . never mind, I hear a little voice. Let the fun begin! As a final way to celebrate this special day, I’m leaving you with a quick holiday home tour.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Christmas home tour

Christmas home tour

Christmas home tour

Christmas home tour

Christmas home tour

Christmas home tour

Christmas home tour

Christmas home tour

Christmas home tour

Christmas home tour 


Christmas home tour

A Year of Dates: The Gift and the Reality

A Year of Dates: The Gift and the Reality

Christmas is only three days away and thankfully most of my shopping is complete and under the tree; even the stocking stuffers are prepped and ready. Since yesterday was my son’s last day of school before the long holiday, I used it to complete all the wrapping and organizing that goes into prepping for Santa’s approaching visit. Whew, it was a busy day, but now it’s done.

Since I’ve been in the Christmas gifting mood, a writing prompt from Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop this week really caught my eye. Although the idea was phrased as the “Best or worst gift you ever received,” I decided to switch it up a bit and write about the “Best AND worst gift I ever GAVE.” Mind you, this is not about two gifts, just one, but since it’s checking off two boxes I guess I better explain.

Year of Dates

Last year I decided to create a super special Christmas gift for my husband (thank you, Pinterest). He can be difficult to buy for because he pretty much has everything he needs and doesn’t ask for much of anything either. So with Pinterest inspiration in my head, I created a book of monthly dates for my man, all planned and paid. A lot of thought and planning went into pulling off this gift, and I am happy to say he loved it. He even remarked that it might be the best gift I ever gave him. *ding, ding, ding*

If you’re interested in making your own Year of Dates for someone special (read warning below), but need a little inspiration, here is the list I created for my own husband. I tried to keep it affordable and interesting by using Groupons, redeemable credit card points and unique local destinations. I sorted everything in little brown envelopes and bundled those by punching two holes, tying with cute ribbon and printing labels for each month’s adventure.

Year of Dates

January: Dinner for two at Cellar & Loft Pizza in the River Market (Groupon). Hint: check the expirations on Groupons, because they may need to be used sooner rather than later. I’m glad we used this one in January, because the restaurant closed shortly after our visit.

February: A date at KC Performance indoor archery range. My husband is a bow hunter and this was a chance to do something together I knew he would enjoy. This business doesn’t have gift certificates, so I printed off the webpage and put it and cash in the envelope.

March: Dinner for two at the Bonefish Grill. This outing’s gift certificate was compliments of credit card points.

April: A painting class for two at Happy Trees. This was another Groupon item.

May: Ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery and back to our place for a Redbox movie of his choice. This was one of those cheaper date nights. Redbox does have gift certificates you can buy which supply you with free rental codes. It’s kind of a fun gift for stocking stuffers and such.

June: Putt-putt at Cool Crest and dinner at the “Home of the Whopper.” Yes, another inexpensive and silly date night via gift certificates.

July: Hooking up the boat and going fishing with snacks and drinks from QT. Simple but nice outing for the two of us that cost next to nothing.

August: Dinner and a movie courtesy of gift certificates.

September: A night’s stay at a local hotel and spending cash. I purchased a Hotels.com gift certificate that allowed us to pick a hotel at a later date and added some spending cash to boot.

October: Trap shooting at the Lake Lotawana Sportsmen’s Club and cash for dinner. We are both waterfowl hunters and a night of trap is both entertaining and useful.

November: Dinner for two at Red Lobster — another gift certificate courtesy of credit card points.

December:  Breakfast, lunch or dinner at IHOP.

As most of you parents know, it’s sometimes hard to work in regular date nights with a youngster underfoot. So I just knew this would be the ticket for some fun outings together all year long. . . and that’s where it all went wrong. In January we used our pizza Groupon and March was also a winner, but by November, he simply pulled out all the unused gift certificates, food cards and cash and started using them up as a family. Our son enjoyed Red Lobster with us on a Saturday afternoon and even got to pet one of the lobster’s in the tank. We rented Norm of the North from Redbox one evening and had family breakfast at IHOP a couple of weeks ago.

So as you can see, while the Year of Dates was initially a fabulous gift, the reality was that I failed to follow through on the real gift — making it all happen. With gift cards and rental codes still gathering dust in little brown envelopes a whole year later, this actually turned out to be one of the worst gifts I ever gave.

posted at Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop

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