Fresh Snow Flurries and Family Fun

Fresh Snow Flurries and Family Fun


I’m not sure one ever outgrows the excitement of Winter’s first snow. . . now some of us get over it much more quickly than others, but for children even the slightest flurry is cause to pounce about in the cold.

The first words out of my son’s grinning face as he stepped off the school bus were, “It’s snowing!” Yes indeed, today was our first real snow in KC and even at that it barely dusted the ground in select spots, but that was enough to make my little man happy. That boy played outside until his fingers were down right frigid.



He plowed snow with his Lego Advent calendar character, drew designs with a stick and traipsed around in the backyard until I forced him to go see Moana in 3D with me (his first 3D movie ever by the way). So let’s see, he got out of school two hours early, played in freshly fallen snow and saw a movie with his mama. . . life is really a struggle at our house right now. *grin*

Moana in 3D

I hope your Wednesday was as good as ours and you are making some special memories this holiday season. Take a little extra time to enjoy your family and appreciate the small everyday blessings of life, like freshly fallen snow flurries. . . or the wonders of 3D technology.

Advent “Wreath” in a Box

Advent “Wreath” in a Box

advent wreath

I was born and raised a Southern Baptist girl and for whatever reason we never observed Advent. Why you wonder? Well I really don’t have a clue, but I can tell you that within the last fifteen years or so the Baptist Churches I’ve attended have started emphasizing the holy days and events on a more regular basis. I like this shift in spiritual focus and since I’m married to a Catholic boy, he appreciates it too.

One of my favorite observances this time of year is the Advent wreath and the weekly candle lighting that leads up to Christmas. This year I decided to incorporate this idea into our home and created an Advent “wreath” in a box. I know there is some significance to the round, unending shape of a wreath, but I figured a line of candles was better than no candles at all.

To make my advent box, I purchased some rough finished shiplap at Sutherland’s and asked my husband cut it down to size. We assembled it with our nail gun and added a bottom of plain pine. I then added five candles (four for each week of Advent and one for Christmas day), fresh-cut evergreen bows and pinecones. Other than the size (about three feet long), it’s a very understated display. It’s also a great way to keep the proper focus of the season every time we sit down to dinner.

If you are interested in learning more about Advent, you might want to give it a good search or visit Lifeway’s great Advent resource online. In addition to some basic information, this site also supplies a complimentary Advent worship guide and children’s sermons.

Pinecones and Pompons Make Easy Kid Craft

Pinecones and Pompons Make Easy Kid Craft


Here’s one of the cutest little Christmas crafts my son and his cousin, Norah, put together last year; and if I remember correctly, I believe even the big kids got in on the action. I mean, who can resist those tiny little pompons?

To make this super easy Christmas kid craft all you need are some medium-sized pinecones, small colorful pompons and some basic craft or school glue. We also used some small red Christmas bells because I picked them up for cheap at the craft store. For little ones, an adult can simply put a few dollops of glue randomly around the pinecone and let the children add the pompons on top of the glue. Older kids should be able to easily craft these miniature “Christmas trees” themselves.

kid craft

What I really liked about this finished project was that I had an empty cloche and my son’s pretty pinecone was a perfect fit. By placing it under glass, the whole Christmas pinecone shone a bit more brightly and so did the smile on my son’s face.

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