A Thankful Word, or Few


I would like to take a few moments to thank you, the readers of Small Talk Mama, for following me and my family in our daily lives of DIY, celebrations, family matters and silly stuff. I truly enjoy writing about all our adventures, but knowing that I might just touch a chord in someone else’s life makes what I do so much more fulfilling. I appreciate all your comments and well-wishes, and enjoy sharing even a sliver of my life with you.

Speaking of sliver, that makes me think of pie! And since today’s Thanksgiving feast will most probably end with pie, let’s start the day with a few words of thanks. Now if I just started rattling off all the people and things for which I’m thankful, we could be here all day; instead, I’m answering Mama Kat’s “So Very Thankful YouTube Tags” for a fun and light-hearted twist on gratitude. My answers are listed below, but please feel free to play along. 

1. Name a color you are thankful for. 

Pink. While I haven’t ever claimed this as my favorite color, I’m quickly becoming fond of a really pastel version of this color. It makes me feel young and peaceful.

2. Something your spouse does that you are thankful for.

Doing DIY projects with me. We are in the midst of what was to be a “simple” kitchen project; and although he may shake his head at times, he mostly just does what I ask for as long as it takes. Thank you, honey!

3. Something your kids do that you are thankful for.

Enjoying school. Our little guy started kindergarten this year, and he loves to learn. I do realize the social aspect is the big draw for him, but at least the learning is a plus.

4. A food you are thankful for.

Since today is Thanksgiving, I’m going to say turkey. I love turkey! I’ve started buying freshly sliced roasted turkey in the deli section so that I can skip the added nitrates and preservatives. I seriously can make a meal of that stuff!

5. What recent good news are you thankful for?

I can renew my teaching certificate as soon as my completed college course grade is posted. This means I can return to the classroom next year.

6. Name a drink you are thankful for.

San Pellegrino sparkling water. I love the combination of healthy water with fizzy bubbles that tickle my tongue.

7. Name a restaurant you are thankful for.

My son and I love Chic-fil-A! We can both get a tasty meal (I love their spicy southwest chicken salad) and he gets to run off some steam in the playroom. As for the germs, I should probably buy stock in those little supplied wet wipes.

8. Talk about an animal you are thankful for.

I’m thankful for being able to enjoy our recently deceased goldfish, Spike, for over twelve years. It was such a sad day when we lost him earlier this year. He was originally purchased to be catfish bait, but after we saved him from the lake, with his black mustache and mohawk, he quickly became a member of the family.

9. Name a beauty product you are thankful for.

Natural apricot oil. It has no added bad stuff and it’s great for moisturizing the entire body and removing eye makeup. I buy mine at Sprouts.

10. Name a cleaning product you are thankful for.

Norwex cleaning cloths. Using these cloths have allowed me to eliminate most harmful cleaning products from our home. My husband will roll his eyes, but at least mine aren’t watering on house cleaning day.

11. What social media platform are you thankful for?

Instagram. I love photography, so this platform is perfect for a special collection of pictures.

12. Tell us why you are thankful for the last person who texted you.

That would be my husband. I’m thankful that he knows I don’t always check my phone on a regular basis and that I may not see or respond to a text in an at all timely manner.

13. Name a candy you are thankful for.

Peanut Clusters, especially the homemade variety. I love the simple combination of peanuts, chocolate and nothing else.

14. Name an app on your phone that you are thankful for.

Meetup. Without this app I wouldn’t be able to get to many of my MOMS Club destinations in a timely manner. . . or even remember I was supposed to go.

15. What are you looking forward to that you are thankful for?

I’m looking forward to finally cleaning out all the nooks and crannies of this house. We have lived here for over four years and I swear our storage room still looks like we just moved in; so after the new year, I’m cleaning up and clearing out loads of this stuff.

I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

posted at Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop

Setting the Scene for Thanksgiving

Setting the Scene for Thanksgiving


For most Americans, tomorrow is a special day of gratitude, family dynamics and loads of delicious food. My sister-in-law is hosting the holiday gathering at her home this year, but in years past (and hopefully many years to come) we have embraced the craziness that comes along with a houseful of family, way too many cooks in the kitchen and too little space.

Even with the chaos, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays (no, it’s not the food), because I love to have loads of family around without the hyperactive exchange of brightly colored gifts, the shreds of wrapping paper floating all about and the over extravagance of way too many gifts (with way too many parts and pieces to keep track of) that accompanies our next big gathering at Christmas.

To me, Thanksgiving is pretty low key. If there is family, tasty food, a warm place to sit and a cozy place to watch the parade and football, I count it good. With that being said, if you’re hosting your own family gathering tomorrow, here are a few inspirational ideas that might help you set the mood, welcome your guests, embrace the chaos and come out the other side feeling. . . well, “thankful.”

Create a warm and inviting room (literally and figuratively).

Consider turning down the heater for your gathering and light a fire instead. Everyone loves the warm glow of crackling logs, but if your weather is too warm try lighting a few candles instead. Add some warm throws, even if no one plans to use them — they simply say “stay awhile.”  Also add some fall color and simple rustic décor to quickly make a room more inviting.

from Postcards From The Ridgefrom Adventures in Decoratingfrom Small Talk Mamafrom The Frugal Homemakerfrom AKA Designfrom Golden Boys & Me

Create seating that is conducive to conversation.

Arrange your seating so that people can have a direct line of sight with one another. This makes conversation so much easier and more natural. If you don’t own a sectional, try creating a sectional-type arrangement for a popular seating option.

from ARHAUSfrom Impressive Interior Designfrom Fred Gonsowski Garden Home from House of Tourquoisefrom ARHAUSfrom Luna Belle

Create a table that screams or even just whispers something special.

Thanksgiving table settings can be extravagant or simple, but they should make folks want to sit, stay and eat for a while. Make sure your display is short enough for guests to easily see over so they will hopefully want to linger long after the dessert is done.

from Small Talk Mamafrom Sand & Sisalfrom Lonnyfrom Living With Landynfrom Ella Clairefrom Lemon Thistle

Give your guests an opportunity to be thankful.

Set aside some time for guests to express their blessings either verbally or with the written word. Consider your family and how each member is comfortable sharing. You can even play some fun Thanksgiving games to lighten the mood.

from Small Talk Mamafrom Party Ideasfrom Landeedofrom The Small Stuff CountsFrom Carina Gardnerfrom The Moffatt Girls

Encourage guests to take it home.

Save some cleanup, refrigerator space and calories by stocking up on boxes, bags or plastic tubs your guests can load up and take home. Dress up the carryouts so that people will remember to take them along and provide a marker or pen for labeling.

from The Garnish Blogfrom Glitter Guidefrom Studio DIY

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a blessed gathering!

Saturday Sparks — Pinecone Projects

Saturday Sparks — Pinecone Projects

Today’s post is all about pinecones — yes, those completely free gems lying about the ground just begging to be scooped up for our holiday projects. With Thanksgiving just a few weeks away and Christmas quickly on its heels, pinecones are the perfect transitional decoration, and today I’m sharing a bit of inspiration for painting, cutting, glittering and gluing cones of all shapes and sizes. So take a walk in the woods, or your own front yard, and scoop up a few cones for some holiday bling.


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