“Nothing is Wasted” — Finding the Good in the Bad

“Nothing is Wasted” — Finding the Good in the Bad


Nothing is WastedI recently added a new book to my reading list, courtesy of Beacon Hill Press. While it wasn’t the type of book I would normally choose for myself, I did enjoy and relate to the message of hope in redemption found in Joseph Bentz’s Nothing is Wasted:  How God Redeems What is Broken.

The author weaves together historical accounts from the Bible with modern events to create an entire book devoted to the ultimate song of redemption embedded in what may seem like the worst of circumstances. Bentz shows that something can be salvaged from our personal suffering and although it may be messy, unpleasant or downright devastating, God’s will and purpose are there, even if we can’t see them at first glance.

Examples of real suffering and redemption fuels Nothing is Wasted, and if you need to identify with mothers, husbands, victims, authors, everyday people or historical figures you can find it here. Bentz propels his ideas with recounts of horrific, yet healing, events from the Bible and mixes those with true traumatic struggles of people he has met along his way. From sinful acts come fulfilled prophecy, from pain and death come new beginnings.

The several stories of real people in this book include a family enduring death and suffering of several of its members, including three children, and how the goodness of God is reveled, and the story of a young woman on a different life course simply because she was hit by a car while walking across a street. One of my favorite accounts is of a young pastor’s wife and mother plagued by illness and death. While so many people prayed for a specific outcome she prayed for another, and the tale of how it all gloriously unfolded (no spoilers here) revealed God’s love and redemptive nature.

Nothing is Wasted is a good read especially for those folks who often give into their cynical side, who might be going through a traumatic season of life or for those who need a gentle reminder to listen for the music of redemption. With its roots in the Bible and its many personal accounts, this book reveals why we are drawn to stories of tragedy and the promise of eventual renewal.  It also reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that God’s song of redemption is real. . . even if we aren’t listening.

untitledJOSEPH BENTZ is the best-selling author of When God Takes Too LongSilent

God,Pieces of Heaven, and four novels. He is professor of American literature at Azusa Pacific University. He earned a BA in English from Olivet Nazarene University and an MA and a Ph.D. in American literature from Purdue University. He lives with his wife and two children in Southern California. More information about his books and speaking can be found at www.josephbentz.com.

Rocking My Mama-Made World

Mam-Made World
All Grown Up! My son’s last day of preschool

Today I dropped off my son for his last day of preschool (and I thought the first day was tough). A quick hug, watering eyes, speedy exit and several tissues later, I finally admitted my comfortable little mama-made world was about to be rocked.

As much as I want to dig my heels into this season of life, only summer separates my son from school; which means the last five glorious, fun-filled, stay-at-home-mom years will quickly become a thing of the past. I made it through Kindergarten Roundup (though I declared it “the beginning of the end”), I made it through the paperwork, and I even made it through the screening, but today I just couldn’t hold it together. . . and yes, I’ve sufficiently soaked, dabbed and blown my way through several Kleenex just writing this little post.

The years between birth and boyhood went by so swiftly. We’re talking Lightning McQueen ka chow quick! I tried my darndest to enjoy the big and little moments, the sadness and the laughter and the sick and silly days, but I still want more. I want to rock my son (all 43 pounds and 43 inches of him) to sleep at night. I want to sing more “pretty songs” before bed. I want to read more silly stories and I want to giggle until our sides are sore.  So many people told me it would be a blur, and they were right. But as for this family, I seriously believe we pulled a few Gs on our way to where we are now.

I know each day holds new adventures and the future promises loads of fun, but when you have been blessed with a sensational son, a supportive family and fabulous friends, it’s hard to believe that “Phase Two” will somehow live up to this mom’s thus far amazing life. So tonight I’ll sneak one last kiss from my sleeping child’s cheek and whisper “I love you” in his ear. I think that will be enough; yes, I know that it is plenty.

April Showers Bring April Flowers

April Showers Bring April Flowers

April Flowers

Amid the rain last month, my beautiful flowers started blooming all around the house. So with camera in hand I set about snapping photos of a few flora favorites. The iris was a transplant from my dear friend, Ruby, and the clematis was purchased a few years ago. I hope you enjoy the view and perhaps find a favorite of your own, because May’s flowers are still to come.

April Flowers

April Flowers  April Flowers

April Flowers

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