My son and I are making a quick weekend visit to my hometown for my great niece’s high school graduation (which is finally happening), and after several hours on the road it’s always nice to sit down to a delicious home cooked meal. Mom whipped up a huge batch of very cheesy goulash for the three of us, but I supplied the tasty side — fresh green beans.

My Babies Aren’t Chicks Anymore
Our “babies” finally spent the night outside with the big girls this week, and everyone is still clucking, so I guess we will count it a success. We had been slowly acclimating the four youngsters to the older hens by letting them spend most of their days outdoors, but we were also gathering them up at night to nestle safely into their basement abode.

Family-Friendly Italian Meatballs
Thanks to being restricted to home for two months, I have managed to branch out a bit when it comes to feeding the family. I even learned to put a new spin on some old favorites, like spaghetti.