Saturday mornings are for family breakfast in our home. We like to sit down together and start our day with something yummy in our tummies. Of course, some weekend mornings there just isn’t a lot of time to make a huge meal (i.e. quilting morns with the church ladies), so something in a hurry fits the bill. This sausage cheese croissant recipe is one of my best go-to breakfast items and also one of my husband’s favorites. Mind you, these croissants are in no way low-cal and probably not too healthy, but if you add some fruit on the side you actually hit the four major food groups. . . yes, it’s a stretch, but these babies are worth it!

- 1 can of croissants
- 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- 1/2 lb crumbled breakfast sausage, cooked
- Preheat oven to temperature on croissant packaging
- Flatten out croissants individually
- Top croissants with cheese and sausage. Pat toppings into the croissant so that it sticks better as you roll it back up.
- Roll up croissants individually from wide end to the point.
- Place each rolled croissant on a cookie sheet and bake according to time on croissant packaging.
- Dip in mustard, dressing or other topping of choice.
- Most breakfast sausage comes in 1 pound packages; so if you cook a whole roll, you can freeze the other half for really quick preparation at a later date.