Dancing In the Rain — Free Print

Dancing In the Rain — Free Print

DanceInRain2.0Well, it’s raining. . . again. The poor Midwest has seen so many clouds this past month that we’re all begging for just a few dry days and a little bit of sunshine — myself and my water-logged garden included. Of course as I was cursing the clouds this morning and rearranging my son’s Thomas track yet again, one of my favorite quotes popped into my head.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

While my current circumstances may not be quite what the anonymous author intended, it did make me smile a bit and reminded me that at least I’m not living through a drought like the folks in California.

If you would like to print your own chalkboard quote, you can download an 8×10 pdf file here. If you are interested in an 11×14 file, please e-mail me at [email protected]

Download 8×10 Print

This is my own design so feel free to print it for personal use, but please be kind and don’t use it commercially without my permission. Thanks and enjoy.



Cashing In on the Rain with Perfect Patina

Cashing In on the Rain with Perfect Patina


This year’s rendition of the house number pots is going strong and the pink and white Impatiens seem to be loving their location on the new front deck. I also think the serious rains we had the entire month of May helped the moss grow up the sides of the pots. Just look at that patina!

While I’m loving the look this year, it almost didn’t happen. I knocked over a pot while rearranging earlier this Spring and took a big ol’ chip out of the “3” pot. I was so sad and thought it might be the end of this fun tradition, but decided to glue the thing back together and call it “character.”

If you’re interested in reading how these pots first came to be and how to make your own, visit my earlier post “House Number Pots are Easy and Inviting.”

Rainy Day Caterpillar Craft

Rainy Day Caterpillar Craft


It rained here today. . . for the umpteenth day straight. But thankfully it was also MOMS Club® craft day at my house, which is always a good way to spend a few hours of the day (especially when I don’t have to leave home). Today’s project was this cute little pompon caterpillar that was also a former VBS project, so rounding up the supplies was a breeze.

Here’s what you need:

  • 5 medium pompons
  • green craft foam sheet
  • printable leaf pattern
  • glue
  • small google eyes
  • flower stamen or light-gauge wire
  • clothes pin
  • hole punch
  • scissors


How to make your cute caterpillar:

  1. Cut out a leaf from the green craft foam using the printable leaf pattern. If you want to add bite marks, use the hole punch to punch three holes in the side of the leaf.
  2. Adhere all five of the pompons onto your leaf using glue.
  3. Fold a flower stamen, or a short piece of wire, in half and glue it on top of the first pompon, and glue on two google eyes for the face.
  4. After all the pieces are dry, glue a clothes pin on the underside of the leaf so that you can clip this cute little caterpillar on any number of places.


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