Tag: children

The Nightmares of My Toddler

Do your kids ever wake up crying in the night? As a parent, I know it must have been a bad dream, but when I check on our son he rarely recalls what caused such a fright.  Or even before our baby could verbalize he would wake ever so often like he had been pinched, and at that point there’s just no hope of figuring out his sleepy fears.

Since our son is only three, my husband and I often talk about what he could possibly be dreaming that is so traumatic for a boy his age. Well this morning I finally caught my son in a not fully awake state after an incident, and he finally told me what was ”wrong.”

He sleepily said, ”I wanted to play trains on the DVD and Daddy said, ‘No.’”

There you have it folks, the nightmares of my toddler. Whew, and I thought it might be something really horrible, like his cartoons were too violent, he secretly hates broccoli or I’m a terrible Mom. We do let him watch train videos on the iPad ever so often, so I guess that’s how the whole playing and DVD imagery came together. I just had to comfort my distraught little guy and coax him back to sleep, but as soon as I cleared his door I had to giggle and grin.

I guess his life is pretty good, and I’ll take it as a star sticker on my parenting chart if that’s the only content of my child’s nightmares. Oh, that life could stay so simple.

Poop in the Parking Lot

Yes, we’re still potty training. Still. Our little guy seems to get the ”pee pee” part of this whole process, but when it comes to the other he just refuses to go for it. I keep reading that this is normal for so many children, especially boys, but when you’re dropping poop in the parking lot I think it’s finally time to remedy the situation.

My husband and I were in Home Depot the other day looking for the necessities of our latest DIY project when our son decided to fill his britches. I mean, fill. We shortened our shopping trip and ventured outside to change the dirty pull-up on the back hatch of my Jeep.  As I hunted for the wipes, my husband undressed the little guy and tripped the ”Baby 911” alarm. When I hear the words it means, “Honey come quickly, because this diaper is too yucky for me to handle alone,” or better translated, ”You do it.”

Did I mention, he FILLED his britches. But this was okay, because I’ve done it before and it’s all good. So after many wet wipes and heading toward relief, I just happened to notice that the ground was a little mushy. I looked down (toward my sandal-wearing feet) and noticed that I am stepping in human poop! What? I questioned my husband, because he did the undressing; and we realized that the britches must have been fuller than we previous thought (although I don’t know how that is possible).

What’s a conscientious Mom to do? I’m not one to let feces just lie around where someone might step in it, but this was smushed beyond a pick up. So I and my poopy shoes got back in the car and headed for home, all the while hoping that unsuspecting passersby will just think it’s doggy doo from the PetSmart next door (sorry dog owners).

From T-Shirt to Self-Tying Paint Smock

From T-Shirt to Self-Tying Paint Smock

paintsmockOkay, so it’s not often that I have a completely original idea, so here’s one for the books. . . or the blog, or however the saying must go in today’s electronic age. It’s not like it’s an earth shattering discovery or anything, but it sure did make last week’s VBS painting projects much less messy.

I picked up several extra large t-shirts from my Mom’s church for a buck each and planned to use them as paint smocks, but I didn’t think the children would appreciate us pulling them on and off their heads each day so I started thinking about an easy way to make them into backwards vests that somehow stayed on their little bodies. I wanted them to have ties in the back, but I just didn’t have the time or gumption to do a sewing project involving that many shirts.

Suddenly the thought occurred to me that perhaps there was a way to cut the shirts themselves so that they would be equipped with built-in ties, and that’s when this idea was born (now if I’m the last VBS craft girl on the planet to ever think of this, please tell me now so that I’ll stop being so darn pleased with myself).


  • good pair of scissors (I keep a couple of pair just for material)
  • t-shirt


  1. Lay the t-shit flat on a hard surface with the back facing up.
  2. Cut straight up the entire back of the shirt from hem to neckband.
  3. Flop the shirt over to the front and cut a slit just through the center of the neckband.
  4. Then cut around the neck band toward the back of the shirt on both sides, stopping about an inch and a half from cutting off the entire neck band on each side.
  5. These little flapping pieces of neckband will now be your ties.

Just have your child(ren) put on the shirt with the open slit at the back and use your two pieces of neckband to tie a loose knot at the top. That’s just how easy it is to make a mess-saving painting smock.


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