Sometimes on Sunday mornings as I drive or ride to church, I like to imagine who else on the road is making their way to worship. While sitting at a red light or waiting my turn at a stop sign, I try to peek into the cars around me to see if someone’s clothes or the look on their faces might give me a clue to their destinations. I realize ties and smiles are not accurate indicators of someone’s path to church, but it’s all I have to work with unless I spy a “Jesus is my copilot” bumper sticker (and even at that, one never knows).
Tag: church

Vacation Bible School was “Out of This World”
Oh my goodness, we had another great Vacation Bible School at church last week. I’m never sure who has more fun — me or the kids!! At any rate, we had sixty-one smiling faces come through our doors in five days and that was almost double the number we had last year. We also had over thirty teachers, helpers, and go-to girls and guys help us each day and that isn’t counting the folks behind the scenes praying, canvasing neighborhoods, decorating (and redecorating when items fell to the floor) and attending to all the little things that need to be done to pull off our annual VBS. I like to joke that we only had a few tears. . . and some of the kids cried too.
Our theme this year was Galactic Starveyors from Lifeway, and it’s always so nice to have a Lifeway store in my own backyard. Yay! We gathered at the Galactic Starveyor clubhouse each morning and had an awesome time “Searching the Visible” and “Discovering the Invisible.” We also took an offering to purchase bicycles for children who don’t have a reliable and/or safe way to get to school. Each bike costs $100 through Compassion International, and our VBS kids generously gave enough money to buy three bicycles! We also had a friendly competition between the boys and girls to see who could raise the most money, and this year the victors were the boys. Way to go guys!
It’s always so sad to see the VBS decorations go away and I can hardly believe we were all decked out just two days ago, but I want to share a few photos with you just in case you’re looking for inspiration for your own VBS or just like to see what other churches are creating. Here’s to all you VBS coordinators, I pray that your own VBS was amazing and that you enjoy a little peace after the chaos!
Miss Ruby and I pulled together the stage with props from Oriental Trading, Lifeway and Lowe’s.
We purchased a large rocket from Oriental Trading for fun photo opps. Here is just one example of my glowing personality all week!
We still do the three pledges during opening ceremonies. The kids love to have a turn at carrying the flags and the Bible.
This was my favorite mode of transportation each morning. With lights down low and the 2010 Space Odyssey music playing, I came riding in on my lighted scooter and pretended to wreck at the stage. My how those kids love a good crash!

VBS Should Be a Verb
Well I’m halfway through VBS prep week and I’m happy to report that my family is neither hungry nor naked, unlike some years past. I’ve even prepared dinner every night this week — okay, so one night was Papa Murphy’s pizza, but we ate dinner at the table so that counts. Right?
While most of my free time has been spent making jellyfish out of garbage bags, sign posts out of foam board and cutting lengths of barely visible fishing line, I have managed to squeeze in a bit of mommy-and-me time along the way; but only because I didn’t want a repeat of last year.
With all the cutting, building, designing and decorating I’ve been doing this week, I’ve decided to make a change to Webster’s dictionary. I believe “VBS” should have a special verb definition that goes a little something like this:
VBS (vā-kā′shən bī′bəl skool)
1. To furnish, provide, or adorn an entire church building to an exceeding degree for a crew of crazed children who have been cooped up at home all summer
2. The futile act or process of perfecting a prescribed theme that will be extremely underappreciated by all other persons in the universe
3. The laborious pouring out of literal sweat, blood and tears to fulfill a personal vision that is characterized as extending far beyond the norm
“So long honey, I’m off to VBS.”
“Go ahead and eat without me. I’ll be VBSing all night.”
“I can see by the glitter on your face, and clothes and toes, that you have VBSed.”
“Yes I’m wearing the same shirt as yesterday, and the day before, but I’ve been VBSing all week.”
“Don’t mind the bandages, my hot glue gun has seen lots of use while VBSing.”
“No, although you plan to VBS all week, you cannot bathe in the baptismal.”
Okay, so in the moment I always question and rethink my decision to be so heavily involved in Vacation Bible School, but I really do enjoy the week when all the kids arrive and we get to teach them about God’s Word and hopefully plant the seeds that help them grow in Christ. So here’s to all you VBS coordinators, planners, teachers, decorators and helpers in various roles — may you feel the peace of Christ and know the fruit of your labor (even if you don’t see it).
Happy VBSing!