Tag: door decor

The Letter “B” as Cute Door Decor

The Letter “B” as Cute Door Decor

door decor

One of my nieces just moved into her new college apartment near the KU campus and she sent me a text out of the blue asking if I could make her a cute little something for her bedroom door. After discovering she wanted a letter B with peacock colors, I went in search of a few items to create her new door decor.

Since I didn’t really have much to go on, I decided to keep the project pretty simple and when I ran across this cute little picture frame in the wedding section of Hobby Lobby I thought it would be the perfect touch. My niece will be able to change the photo in and out on a whim, so the design is actually interactive — that is my favorite part. The frame was actually all bright gold, so I toned it down with a bit of dark wax. I also purchased that cute little teal feather thing that matched the teal tulle I already owned.

door decor

What you can’t see in the above photo is some teal burlap ribbon and pleated burlap ribbon that is wrapped around the leg of the letter. These ribbons served two purposes, to add some interest if seen from the side and to add some surface area on which to adhere the frame.  With the help of a little hot glue, everything came together quickly and snuggly.

door decor ribbon

It’s not the most elaborate decorative letter I’ve ever seen but since I was creating for someone else in a setting I had never seen, I thought conservative was the safe option. By adding the functioning photo frame my niece will be able to add her own touch to the door decor and even change it out with the seasons.