Tag: family

Saturday Sparks:  Trunk or Treat Decorating Ideas

Saturday Sparks: Trunk or Treat Decorating Ideas

There’s a fun little Halloween trend here in the Midwest called Trunk or Treat. I don’t know if it’s popular all over the nation, but it’s a fun family alternative to traveling house-to-house on a cold, dark October night.

Trunk or Treat is usually sponsored by local churches, but some businesses and organizations have adopted the event and Trunk or Treats can be found in parking lots all over town. It’s a simple concept where people use their automobiles as the venue for handing out candy to local children. Each trunk (or car, trailer, truck bed etc.) is decorated with a theme, and folks pass out candy to the costumed kiddos as they ”trick or treat” at each vehicle.

If you’ll be treating your trunk to some fine decorating as part of one of these events this year, today’s Spark is just for you. Some churches request Biblical themes for each vehicle, which is a lot of fun, but if the sky’s the limit here are a few ideas for a fun Halloween.



Poop in the Parking Lot

Yes, we’re still potty training. Still. Our little guy seems to get the ”pee pee” part of this whole process, but when it comes to the other he just refuses to go for it. I keep reading that this is normal for so many children, especially boys, but when you’re dropping poop in the parking lot I think it’s finally time to remedy the situation.

My husband and I were in Home Depot the other day looking for the necessities of our latest DIY project when our son decided to fill his britches. I mean, fill. We shortened our shopping trip and ventured outside to change the dirty pull-up on the back hatch of my Jeep.  As I hunted for the wipes, my husband undressed the little guy and tripped the ”Baby 911” alarm. When I hear the words it means, “Honey come quickly, because this diaper is too yucky for me to handle alone,” or better translated, ”You do it.”

Did I mention, he FILLED his britches. But this was okay, because I’ve done it before and it’s all good. So after many wet wipes and heading toward relief, I just happened to notice that the ground was a little mushy. I looked down (toward my sandal-wearing feet) and noticed that I am stepping in human poop! What? I questioned my husband, because he did the undressing; and we realized that the britches must have been fuller than we previous thought (although I don’t know how that is possible).

What’s a conscientious Mom to do? I’m not one to let feces just lie around where someone might step in it, but this was smushed beyond a pick up. So I and my poopy shoes got back in the car and headed for home, all the while hoping that unsuspecting passersby will just think it’s doggy doo from the PetSmart next door (sorry dog owners).

A Long Time Ago in an Oklahoma Town

A Long Time Ago in an Oklahoma Town

StarWarsMoviePoster1977It’s an even day, and look, here’s my newest post for the September Sapphire Even Day Blog Challenge. Hopefully I’ll be able to hit my marks for the rest of the month. Today we have been asked to write about a book or movie that greatly affected us somehow during our lives.

So here goes. . . you are not allowed to laugh (okay, go ahead and giggle), but perhaps the movie that made the biggest impact on my life was Star Wars (yes, the original the very first time it showed in theaters). It was actually episode IV, but we didn’t know any of that at the time. The year was 1977, I would have been seven years old, and this was my first “grownup” film. My Dad took my sister and I to see the movie in a tiny little theater in Claremore, Okla., and I’m guessing that’s where my love of movies, science-fiction and Harrison Ford first began.

My Dad loved going to the movies and he passed that enjoyment along to his two daughters. Often times, he would splurge on a long-awaited film and take us to see the latest box office matinée. Even as a young adult, my Dad and I often found ourselves at the movies. I could always count on him to spend a hot summer afternoon in the cool seats of the local theater. He unexpectedly passed away several years ago, but to this day if I see a really great film I always think, ”I bet Dad would have enjoyed this one.”

I don’t know if seven is too young to develop a crush, but I hope not because I certainly had one. Forget Luke Skywalker, that Han Solo was just something to behold. To a scrawny little girl in the Midwest he was the definition of tall, dark and handsome, and he was my hero. (Imagine how thrilled I was when Raiders of the Lost Ark first hit the big screen — another of my Dad’s favorites also.)

So as I think about all the movies I’ve enjoyed, disliked or that moved me through my life, the original Star Wars of 1977 just sticks in my mind. I’m sure it’s more about remembering my Dad who first introduced me to a larger than life fantasy land in space, but perhaps it’s also about being able to escape from reality, develop a ludicrous crush or two and just enjoy a few hours of entertainment while eating buttery popcorn and sipping on a soda. Somehow at the movies, my own life is always grand.

For a trip down memory lane and to showcase the ”fabulous” special effects of 1977, I’ve included the original trailer of the film. Enjoy! :)

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