Tag: family

Saturday Sparks – Picnics

Saturday Sparks – Picnics

Labor Day reminds me of family-friendly picnics full of summer sun, tasty treats and lots of fun. As a nod to this last bastion of summer, I’ve gathered a few ideas and inspiration to help you transform you own family get-together into a weekend to remember.

This cute sign from Lancaster Lane lets all your guests know exactly where the picnic is and what to expect. I think it’s such a cute and colorful idea.


This colorful drink idea from Cutest Food is great for the kids (or adults). Simply freeze several Kool-Aid flavors in ice trays, add them to a glass and pour in Sprite or another similar drink. I love this idea!


If this doesn’t get you in the mood for a picnic, I just don’t know what will. It might just be a picnic for the two of you, but there isn’t a thing wrong with that. (I’m thinking the grandparents might need some Labor Day action with the kids.) These photos are from https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net.


 This is a very clever way to set your picnic table with all the necessary utensils and seasonings your guests might need. While the Sassy blog kept it neutral, I think you can get as creative as you want in order to match any theme or decor you might be planning.


 I love this photo of a family at the beach. It just screams, “We are having some summer fun (and I want to choke my little sister because she’s so annoying)!” This photo was pinned by Lana Jones.


 Here’s how to pack the perfect picnic in one easy stop. The Rock UR Party site gives you some great ideas on how to prep and pack your food to make your picnic a hit.


 And when the kids get to bed or for those youngsters without youngin’s, this picnic from BeaniPet is a perfect way to spend a dark summer evening with close friends and family. It just looks relaxing. . .


Bye Bye, Baby Bed

Bye Bye, Baby Bed


I go to bed in mourning. We broke down our only child’s baby bed this afternoon and made way for “big boy” bunk beds. I’m telling you, I had to fight back the tears. . . but our son does seem to like his new sleeping quarters. On the bright side of things it does make reading to him before bed a bit easier, but I’m not sure I’m completely ready to trade the rocking chair for a double bunk and a book.

Just How Safe is Your Home?

Just How Safe is Your Home?

CHlogoCharlie’s House is a not-for-profit organization helping parents, grandparents and caregivers make a home as safe and injury-free as possible for children. Born from a tragic accident and loss of a child, Charlie’s House is dedicated to keeping people informed and engaged when it comes to preventing injuries to children in and around the home. 

The Charlie’s House website provides great home safety information for caregivers and you can even print off a checklist for your own home. I am happy to say my husband and I have screwed, bolted and secured our large furniture to the walls of our home in hopes of preventing harm to our son, but after reading through the checklist, I discovered hidden dangers that had completely slipped my mind.

This site is definitely worth a visit, and you should at least look through the safety checklist to see if your home has any hidden dangers. Any life spared is worth the read.

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