Last week was an exciting one in the chicken coop at the Three-Acre Wood. Our spring chickens (it had to be said) started laying some tiny little eggs, and our Ameraucana hens even got in on the action with their lovely eggs of pale blue.
Tag: inside and out

If a Tree Falls in the Woods. . .
I spent the better part of this very rainy morning having coffee talk with some good friends, which was a wonderful, relaxing way to start the day. The afternoon? Well, that proved a bit more exciting. . .
Shortly after lunch I heard a loud snapping sound from outside and by the time I got to a window the carnage was already in motion. The bad news was that a rather large tree from “The Wood” was uprooted and lodged in another slightly smaller tree, which also now was mangled beyond saving. The fortunate news was that the large tree at least had the good graces to fall in the opposite direction of the chicken pen. *whew*
I pulled on my rain jacket and rubber boots to inspect the damage, but I was careful not to venture too close for fear of just how and when this mangled mass of branches and tree trunks would continue its decent. Ever so often a bracing branch would snap and a smaller limb would fall to the ground, raining green leaves in its wake, but the largest mass of broken, sad trees didn’t seem to budge. I finally took my soggy self back inside and went about my business while wondering how we would ever get those trees pulled down, cut up and carted off.
A couple of hours later, a loud snap again broke the silence and I ran to the window just in time to see the final bow of one of our big beauties. While it made me very sad to see one of our large trees lifeless in the dirt, I was grateful it didn’t obliterate the chicken pen, the chicken coop and all the hens to boot. I don’t think the girls realized just how precarious their situation could have been, but the whole event did apparently scare the bejeezus out them. After the final fall, all of our hens huddled in the far corner of their pen and rang out loudly their complete distaste for what they had just witnessed. It was the most awful bunch of squawking I had ever heard and while I didn’t blame them one bit, their crazy cries did at least make me smile.

A Little Red, White and Blue Love
Did you proudly fly your flag yesterday? Our house was decked out in its finest patriotic prowess, but I have to confess that I may have gotten a little jump on my Americana this year by decorating on Memorial Day way back in May. I figured I could get just over a month of patriotic punch if I started early, and who doesn’t love a little red, white and blue as we tumble headlong into the sizzling months of summer. Between Memorial Day and Independence Day, falls Flag Day, so the reasons to celebrate just keep coming.
Here’s a little peek at what my family has been looking at for the last several weeks. I actually appear not to be behind (for once).
I crafted this large wooden flag out of old fence pickets. A simple wash of paint shows off the weathered wood grain.
I purchased this patriotic sign for just a few dollars after Independence Day last year. It complements the large wooden flag on the back deck.
I really don’t know why I’ve hung onto this tattered plastic flag for so many years, but it’s the perfect addition to my red geranium on the front porch steps.
This oversized paper ribbon adorns our front door, and you can learn how to make your own right here at Small Talk Mama.
I love this fun fabric banner hanging from our fireplace. You can whip up this cheap and easy project just in time for Independence Day.
This red, white and blue bunting hangs from our front deck railing and welcomes everyone with a big ol’ punch of color.
Of course we also proudly fly our American flag from a pole at the front of the house!