Tag: life as I know it

Where Did My Metabolism Go?

Where Did My Metabolism Go?

What do spending four days in Oklahoma and losing weight have in common? Absolutely nothing! Well, it’s not like a counted my calories during the trip or stayed away from family night at Braum’s ice cream shop, but I did at least try to eat healthy during most of the visit.  Which, as it turns out, only netted me a couple of pounds instead of four or five.

So how can a few days of what I would call “normal” eating pack on the pounds when it takes so long to shave them off? Back at home yesterday, I jumped on the Calorie Count site and tracked my food the entire day and managed to stay within my 1,200 calorie limit, added some good ol’ gardening and a couple hours of shopping and still only managed to lose .2 pounds. At that rate, it will take me ten days to say so long to the two pounds that followed me home, and that’s if I don’t have a misstep.

So just where did my metabolism go? If you happen to see it lurking around anywhere, could somebody please return it? I knew I should have microchipped that darn thing. . .

Windows Down and the Wind in My Hair

Windows Down and the Wind in My Hair


Yesterday I packed my bags, kissed my husband, buckled in my boy and hit the road for a few fun days in my Oklahoma hometown visiting family and friends, doing some shopping and working on a few small jobs around the house where I grew up. It’s always comforting to come home, especially since I haven’t been back since Christmas, but every now and then I get to experience a moment just short of deja vu that floods my mind with happy thoughts and takes me back to the carefree days of life.

While I had no idea that the purchase of a new bench for my back deck would have me waxing nostalgic, retrieving the darn thing this afternoon in a truck without A/C actually brightened my day and smiled my soul. After loading and severely bungeefying the bench, I turned myself around and headed for home. Somewhere along the few mile way, I found myself driving down Highway 66 with the windows rolled down in my Dad’s pickup truck, my crazy curls flying in my face and Sweet Home Alabama blaring on the radio. And for just a few simple moments, I felt an innocence and freedom like being 16 and reminded myself that it really is so good to be me.

photo credit: 20110924-IMG_1513 via photopin (license)

Guys Don’t Get It

Sometimes guys just don’t get it. Yesterday I asked my husband to take an old metal glider to a friend’s garage sale because I wanted to get rid of it. It was the only piece of furniture on our new back deck, but I decided to sell it and use the money to buy something different. Here’s how the conversation went. . .

Hubs:  “Now exactly why are we getting rid of the glider?”

Me: “Because it’s not the look I’m going for.”

Hubs:  “You mean it’s paid for.”

Me:  “No, I mean I want something more rustic out there.”

Hubs:  “But it’s covered in rust. How much more rustic can you get?”

Yes, this is the man I live with everyday — exhausting, but loveable. Needless to say, he took the glider to the sale.

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