I hope you are enjoying the first few days of 2023 and relaxing at least a bit after all the fanfare of the holidays. While I’m enjoying the calm after the storm, I’m also hoping you made it through the last month with a little more grace than I managed. I rolled into Christmas with my hair on fire, fueled by the gale force winds and bitter cold temps as I was forced to purchase gifts as a product of my own procrastination.
Tag: resolutions

Read the Bible or Bust: My Goal for the New Year
As the new year begins in earnest and we slowly come out of our evergreen scented, tinsel induced, confetti colored comas, most of us face the days ahead with a renewed hope and rosy glasses. These are the days that lead us to dream big, reinvent our ways and desire to take the world by storm (to some a rain shower, to others a tornado. . . but a storm nonetheless). We set goals, refine wishes and claim more resolutions than an invisible jet and really cool cuffs could ever hope to deliver in a mere 365 days (make that 361 if you’re counting), but at least we aspire.
Since I’m part of this crazy collective of which I speak, I decided to set a few goals of my own. One being the huge task of reading through the entire Bible. I completed this undertaking once before several years ago, but I’m always so amazed at how often I can find something new, interesting and almost foreign in this enthralling book. . . and I’ve been reading this thing, well, since I could read.
So as the new year begins, so does my resolve to read the Bible. This time I’m going to attempt (and believe me, my success to failure ratio is not very impressive) to read it chronologically instead of the order in which it is printed. I currently use a New King James version of the Bible, so that’s what I’ll be reading and I’ve created a fun little chart to help me track my progress. I figure if I only make it halfway (or only into February), it’s still a worthwhile task that will enrich my life and lift my soul. If you would like to join me on this venture, please feel free to download and print the chart below. I would love to hear about your progress and insight along the way. Happy New Year and Happy New You!
Read The Bible in a Year – A Chronological Approach (pdf)
photo credit: Charlie.Wales A King’s Circle via photopin (license)

“The Weight is Over” — My 2016 Weight Loss Goal
So here we are, almost a week into the new year, and I’m staring my weight loss goals squarely in the face. . . again. Of course, it’s the new year — a time of resolutions, promises, goal setting and thoughts of a better future — so who isn’t into making a few changes.
According to ABC News, weight loss is one of the most popular new year’s resolutions for 2016 (and every other year), which makes sense because most of us start eating about Thanksgiving and don’t stop until New Year’s Day. If you’re me, you throw in a couple of birthdays, several Christmas parties and baking for the neighbors and it’s a real recipe for packing on the pounds — about eight of them to be specific. Yes, I gained eight pounds in a month and a half, and it will probably take me twice that time to work them off.
So here we are, again, at one of my favorite lifestyle segments, The Weight is Over. While I love this catchy little phrase, I did notice that it is also the new tagline for the soon to be released movie, Kung Fu Panda 3. Make of that what you will, but I’m refusing to acknowledge any links between myself and a huge, overweight panda that enjoys eating, a lot. I’m just sayin’. . .
Okay, Panda references aside, here’s how this will hopefully work. My goal is to lose a total of 25 pounds by December 31 of this year. That’s the next New Year’s Eve and almost a year away. This should put me at a healthy yet manageable weight for my body type and height, which also happens to be my weight before I married my husband almost 13 years ago. Each week I will post my progress right here at Small Talk Mama along with a few insights, struggles and maybe even a new good recipe or two. I would love for you to follow my journey and keep me accountable throughout the year, because I’ve tried this in the past and do pretty well until I get busy and stop publishing my results. Unfortunately, it’s just too easy to back slide when no one is watching. Your suggestions and encouraging comments will be greatly appreciated along the way, and if you don’t see a “Weight is Over” post for a few weeks please feel free to call me out on it.
So here’s to my weight loss journey. May it be swift, manageable, life changing and ultimately long-lasting.